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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  July 10, 2011 3:00am-4:30am PDT

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♪ of your silent rev erie ♪ you're in the arms of the angel, may you find some comfort here ♪ some comfort here ♪ this is cnn sunday morning, great to see you, it is july 10th, i'm susan hendricks in for tj holmes. a live look at the white house where key members of congress will meet with president obama. plus, this is it -- the tabloid that brought you celebrity scandal and drama is closing its doors today. we'll take you live to london where people are getting their land edition of "news of the
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world." and the president will award another medal of honor this week, only the second time since the vietnam war it has been awarded to a living recipient. we'll introduce you to him. and good morning to the men and women watching us on the armed forces network. a big thank you to you as well. we're just hours before tonight's debt reduction talks at the white house. live pictures there this morning. the ambitious hopes for a large-scale deal have been dashed. the apparent sticking point? taxes, here is how house speaker, john boehner, sees it as democrat and republican leader prepare for tonight's showdown. quote, despite good-faith efforts to find common ground, the white house will not pursue debt reductions without tax hikes. i believe the best approach may be to focus on producing smaller cuts, that still meets our call for spending reforms and cuts
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greater than the amount of the debt limit increase. the white house talking about expectations at those talks. here's what spokesman dan fiver had to say about it. he said we cannot ask the middle class and seniors to bear all the burden of higher costs and budget cuts. we need a balanced approach, he says that asks the very wealthiest and special interests to pay their fair share as well and we believe the american people agree. cnn congressional correspondent kate baldwin joins us from washington. kate, now difficult is the meeting going to be for both sides to agree here? >> reporter: it was always going to be difficult and everyone always agreed it was a pivotal meeting, the first time that all the big players were going to be in the room together to have details to talk over since staff from the white house and members of congress have been working the past few days to try to get some detail that the members could really, could really start
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negotiating. what this kind of shows us is that people thought this is a very tall order. it's going to be very tough negotiations and now we know that the talks over the grand deal that they've been trying to target at least something in the area of $4 trillion, that we've heard in deficit reduction have effectively broke down. it doesn't mean that all the talks have broken down. it means that they're going for the other deal that has been talked about as well. something in the area of more than $2 trillion in deficit reduction. it's still a big deal. but that deal comes with most, that savings comes mostly in deficit cuts, not the significant changes to medicare and medicaid and social security and increased revenue in terms of tax increases that was going to be needed for the $4 trillion that we all knew and had been hearing from members on the hill that any kind of tax increase was continuing to be a very big problem inside the republican party. and at the end of the day, susan, you know, we need to find
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enough members to vote for a bill that's going to pass in order to get the debt ceiling raised by august 2nd. and we're coming up on the deadline. >> the deadline is august 2nd, how critical is that to make to ewing 2 dnd? >> reporter: the treasury secretary said that's the deadline, that's very important. after that, the united states is going to be questionable how the united states will pay its bills. and everyone involved, even despite this kind of breakdown in talks, that came late last night and we'll see how that leads into the talks this morning, they are still meeting this evening. so everyone is still committed to meeting and trying to reach a deal. which also indicates they all acknowledge that this deadline is very important to meet. that raising the debt ceiling is very important. it's more important to raise the debt ceiling than to maybe stand on the political posturing that they have been doing. but it doesn't negate the fact that there are some very big differences, a gulf as it was described by speaker boehner, between the parties on where
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they're going to agree and what they can agree to at this point. but if you can take anything good from this right now, is that they're still meeting this game -- on their position before they have to head behind closed doors. >> i think they know how crucial this is. kate bolduan, thanks so much. in japan, four months after suffering from a massive earthquake and tsunami, a major aftershock rocked the northeastern coast about nine hours ago and yes, it is the same area that was devastated in march. the 7.1 aftershock prompted tsunami warnings, all of which have now been canceled. the earthquake could be felt as far away as tokyo. a geophysicist tells us that the latest tremor is an aftershock from the march earthquake. the space shuttle "atlantis" is roughly five hours away from approach to the international space station. the crew get a longstanding tradition of a musical wakeup
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call. it was a coldplay tune. do you want to guess what the musical selection was? here it is. ♪ sun is shining in the sky ♪ there ain't a cloud in sight ♪ and don't you know ♪ it's a beautiful new day ♪ hey hey >> people are dancing in the studio, not a bad view to awaken to, either. as for the tune, if you correctly guessed "mr. blue sky" by e.l.o., the electric light orchestra, you're right. prince william and kate are seen wrapping up their visit to canada. prince william even got in on a polo match earlier in the day. there he is, wearing number four. the royal couple will spend their last day in the states in a less glamorous setting 0en los angeles's skid row, visiting an
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arts program for inner-city children. funeral plans are set for former first lady, betty ford, who passed away at age 93. the first service will be held in palm desert, california. the second is scheduled for thursday afternoon in grand rapids, michigan. mrs. ford will be laid to rest next to her late husband on the grounds of the gerald r. ford presidential museum in grand rapids. how about this, the yankees' derek jeter goes deep and the home town crowd goes nuts. take a look. jeter enters the history books with a home run to left field. his teammates celebrated the milestone at home plate, jeter came out of the dug-out for several curtain calls, the first yankee and only the 28th player in history to make 3,000 hits. the guy who caught the ball is christian lopez. he gave it back to jeter. he didn't have to, though.
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but he said he didn't think it was going any other way. congratulation does him. and he got to meet jeter because he gave the ball back. reynolds? >> see, there's an ulterior motive. >> he was just being nice. >> i totally agree with you. it's yeeweird that he's only th 28th person, but to do it in dramatic fashion makes it better. the rain continues to come down in parts of the midwest. the heat continues to go up. we'll talk about some scorching temperatures in a few moments and we're going to take a look at the possibility of rough weather later this afternoon in a few moments. you know after 168 years covering britain's scandals, tabloid "news of the world" rolled out its last issue today. [ applause ] >> the paper built a reputation reporting on some of the biggest scandals in the united kingdom. but the owner rupert murdoch
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ordered the publication closed after allegations of hacking by police and reporters. the paper has been a bridge institution for longer than a century. the final issue, says "thank you and good-bye." i'm sure there are many people, including some employees sorry to see it go today. >> i think a lot of people are sad to see it go i actually have a copy of the final edition here, "thank you and good-bye" is headline. they have some incredible headlines that they covered. this is a paper that's over a century old and they've covered everything from all kinds of scandals. and amazingly for example, things from 100 years ago, from charles dickens' time. so people very sad to see an institution like this go. we've seen reaction from other tabloids. the "sunday post" rediscover a warm, entertaining newspaper, honesty, integrity and decency.
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clearly a lot of other papers here are trying to mark themselves as being different from "news of the world" not doing the same practices such as phone-hacking. that's a scandal that has shaken the nation and the very government, the prime minister himself is under a lot of fire for this. this is a scandal, even though the newspaper has closed, it will keep going on for a few months, especially as the police investigation gets under way. >> so as i understand, i believe there's more than 200 employees without a job now. will this paper, "news of the world" close and reopen under another name, do you know? >> well there's a lot of speculation at this point. nobody's quite sure. the sister paper to "news of the world" is "the sun" the daily tabloid here. the most widely read paper here in the uk. so what "news of the world" management said that employees can apply at other publications.
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we don't know what news international has planned for all people working there. >> any buzz about the murdochs and what's next for them. rupert murdoch made a bold move in shutting the paper down. >> this is the big question. there are a lot ever reports that rupert murdoch is on his way to london here. not only to handle the "news of the world" closure, but the biggest prize in the media empire is his takeover bid for british broadcaster, b sky b. the takeover bid is now in danger because of the hacking scandal. the government needs to approve the takeover and say they want to look at the phone hacking scandal before they approve the deal. that could scuttle the deal. and it's possible that murdoch will be coming over here to handle it. the very fact that "news of the world" has had to be closed doesn't look good on news international and they have to try to stem the problem where it stands and hope it doesn't spread to any other parts of their media empire.
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>> thank you, i bet it will sell a lot today. saying thank you and good-bye, appreciate it. a new study just released that exposes the truth about what makes men three times happier in relationships. guess what, it's not sex. ♪ ♪ look at that car, well, it goes fast ♪ ♪ givin' my dad a heart attack ♪ [ friend ] that is so awesome. ♪ i love my car [ engine revving ] [ male announcer ] that first chevy, yea, it gets under your skin. ♪ discover aveeno positively radiant tinted moisturizers with scientifically proven soy complex and natural minerals. give you sheer coverage instantly, then go on to even skin tone in four weeks. aveeno tinted moisturizers.
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good morning, st. louis, it will be a hot one there, i was
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laughing at reynolds, he's dancing over there to "the heat wave" song. >> i have no idea what you're talking about. i was sitting here adjusting my watch. just teasing. >> how is it looking over there? >> it's looking okay. >> here's a question for you, be honest -- do you like to cuddle with your wife? >> wow. >> hold that thought. because you have to think about it for a while. >> let me think about it and we'll segue right into where we left off. it's a loaded question. why don't we kick off with the weather first. yesterday morning one of the big stories was -- some of the rough weather we had in the upper midwest. guess what, we're back exactly where we started. see some storms develop south of minneapolis. and we could see a lit bit of flash flooding going on in parts of the freeway near northfield, even into watoma. the reason is we're seeing the showers drift apart. some of these developing over some of the same places we saw rain. so it could give you flooding in
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some spots. it's not going to be massive, but still there is going to be the potential. another thing we're going to see is the possibility of storms redeveloping into the afternoon. extending from places like the western great lakes, clear across parts of the central and northern great plains. scattered storms possible across much of the four corners. the monsoon season, the wind-driven rain coming in from the gulf of california, in the pacific, it's the high-base thunderstorm, there could be a lot of lightning and with the rainfall, it could be torrential at times. so a lot of the dry arroyos you have in parts of new mexico and arizona, those could be filled up in the afternoon. very hot and steamedy in texas, could see some thunderstorms by the afternoon in parts of the southeast. let's talk about the temperatures, yesterday it was ridiculous with some of the heat. today, the ridiculousness will continue, a high of 101 in dallas, 93 in houston. 97 in memphis and 95 in new
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orleans. this is the time a lot of meteorologists will turn to parents and tell you to take it easy. if you have the plans of going out, doing some outdoor work, i don't care if it's planting flowers or cutting the grass, you have to take it easy. the heat will intensive in places like kansas city, chicago, minneapolis and salt lake city and washington, d.c. let's pitch it back to susan. i'm going to come over here to, what was the question again? >> this is a good day to take it easy, stay in and cuddle with your wife. do you like it? >> do i like to cuddle? >> well it sure beats the hell out of a high five. that's one thing. also, if depends on the setting. if you happen to be at the beach at night, that's great. at a tractor pull, not so much. where you happen to be is a major player. >> a nascar race? not so much. >> if it's near turn four at
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talladega, it's a possibility. >> this is a loaded question. here's why i ask, i have a point. men are three times happier, reynolds in their relationships when there's a lot of kissing and cuddling going on. researchers talked to 1,000 couples, middle aged and longer, all of them in long-term relationships. the longer women are in relationships, the more sexually satisfied they become. so basically the conclusion, i want to give you the story and i got it. men like to cuddle. >> i have to agree. the high five thing doesn't work, does it? you come home from a long business trip, you walk in the door, you greet your lady with the fist bump. >> and then there's the man-hug with the double tap. >> great talking to you this early in the morning, ren oeds. there's been another close encounter with a bear at yellowstone national park. the one just days after a fatal
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bear attack here. we'll hear from the hiker who had the close call. and race continues to play a part in the nation's unemployment picture. we'll detail the african-american jobless numbers for you. next, but first, a look at the states with the highest unemployment rates last month. nevada has the highest rate at 12.1. not far behind, california at 11.7, the top five states with the lowest unemployment. stay close. our next generation mobile broadband experience to 55 million more americans, many in small towns and rural communities, giving them a new choice. we'll deliver better service, with thousands of new cell sites... for greater access to all the things you want, whenever you want them. it's the at&t network... and what's possible in here is almost impossible to say. even though i'm a great driver, and he's...
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welcome back. before the break we show you the states with the highest unemployments in june. the numbers. now here are the states with the lowest jobless numbers. the five states on your screen all have unemployment rates of less than 5%. north dakota has the lowest at 3.2%. you know, gender and race continue to influence jobs numbers in the u.s. according to pew research center study, between 2009 and 2011, men gained 805,000 jobs, while women lost 281,000. the outlook is even more bleak for african-americans. take a look at this the overall unemployment rate is 9.2%. but for african-americans, it is 16.2. elise lavit has more. >> susan, when you look at the latest job numbers, african-americans have been particularly hard hit. but this is a problem that didn't begin with the recession. the job market has not been friendly to mark summers. he lost his job three months ago
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and has come to this d.c. career center for help. >> apparently one place is looking at me, waiting for a contract to come down from the government. >> the latest jobs report found the unemployment rate for african-americans is just over 16%. double that of white americans. >> in 1963 or '64, the unemployment rate was 4%. and the unemployment rate for african-americans was 8%. >> it's always been that way? >> give or take, yes. >> howard university's wilmer leon says that's because many african-americans lack access to education and training which could help them get a job and he says racism is often at play. despite laws against discrimination. >> unless america makes the significant investment in equality then african-americans and other people of color, in particularly now hispanics are going to find themselves in a constant struggle. >> the congressional black
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caucus wants the government to do more. >> this is an urgent appeal to the white house, to the congress. and to the people in municipalities all around this country. that we must attack this issue of unemployment and that black unemployment. >> highly educated african-americans aren't immune. reginald booker teaches computer classes at maryland's montgomery classes, even with a ph.d. in chemistry, it's been years since he had a job in his field. the recession has only made it worse. >> i've applied to naurm of different places. it's been an uphill battle. >> they tell you that your qualifications were impressive, but you didn't get the job. do you think being african-american has anything to do with it? >> no one actually says you're african-american, no we're not going to give you a job. i look at the statistics and i, and i see the opposite. >> i think it's more of a socioeconomic problem. people who are low-income have a harder time finding a stable job
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or jobs that give them long-term financial stability. >> two faces of the same problem -- one they both hope their government and society will fix. >> now, experts say the 16% figure is only the official rate. it doesn't count the thousands of african-americans who have given up hope of finding a job and stop looking. if we include those numbers, we could actually be looking at a 25% rate of unemployment for african-americans. which is why you see some in congress raising the alarm bells to get at the root causes. susan. >> thank you. the shuttle "atlantis" launch marked the end of one era in space. another one in space travel begins for nasa. we'll show you some of the high-tech machinery the agency is now planning. and how many shuttle missions have taken place over the last 30 years? the answer, right after this. it's never been easier to get the whole grain you want from your favorite big g cereals. from cheerios to lucky charms, there's whole grain in every box. make sure to look for the white check.
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. before the break i asked you how many shuttle missions have taken place over the last 30 years. there have been 134 missions, covering a half-billion miles of flight. the current and last mission is the 135th. nasa's final four waking up in space this morning on the final mission of the u.s. space program. ♪ ♪ sun is shining in the sky ♪ there's ain't a cloud in sight ♪ >> nasa said the agency is looking ahead, working on spacecrafts and other high-tech machinery right out of science fiction. >> this is a cool situation in which life does imitate art. a lot of nasa scientists who love science fiction coming up with ways to do it in real life. the message that nasa is trying
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to convey is that it's not over. to back it up, they've been pointsing to all sorts of things coming up. one is this, take a look at this video. this is a planned mission to jupiter. it's the juneau spacecraft, that's taking off in just a few weeks, an animation from nasa. a five-year trip all the way out to jupiter. >> i couldn't believe that, i was thinking, are we there yet? >> longest trip anyone has ever heard. >> it takes off in a few weeks and they're hoping it will arrive in mid 2016. say they hope it will improve understanding of the beginning of the entire space system. and a rover heading out to mars, that's much quicker, only nine months. and actual video of an asteroid called vesta. in just a few days, a u.s. spacecraft, "dawn" will arrive at its orbit right there. you can see this in the night sky. it's the only asteroid that you can see in the night sky and you can only see it this month and
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next. when you're looking at it you can know that's right when the u.s. spacecraft got there. i want to you hear from the nasa administrator who has been talking about fact that he's absolutely convinced that nasa will maintain the lead. his name is charles boldin. here's something he said just the other day. >> when i hear people say or listen to the media reports that the final shuttle flight marks the end of u.s. human space flight, i have to tell you -- you all must be living on another planet. >> said nasa wants u.s. astronauts to travel on private space missions and they're working on new types of vehicles to bring people to space. nasa calls these the flagship of its next-generation space fleet. a multipurpose crew vehicle based on the orion vehicle. to assist in space they're creating more of these robo-nauts, a torso version is up on the international space
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station. they want to send these astronauts up to mars. so short version here. they're saying look, we have all of these projects, it's not coming to an end. even with all this, a lot of critics are saying, the u.s. will not be in the lead. >> we're talking about the deficit and when you think about trips to jupiter, to mars, that that's where it will be cut. how do we get the funding for it. >> we don't know. there are serious plans that could be cut. and the reason is this year, nasa had a $19 billion budget. that's not going to happen when they figure out the fiscal year 2012. we're going to have to see what gets cut. a lot of people weighing in on this on facebook and twitter. it's an interesting dilemma. you want the u.s. to be in the lead in space. but we have people who don't have enough food in this country and we have to focus on our financial priorities. >> the good news is, it's not over. when you think of the last launch, it doesn't mean it's null and void, they're still exploring.
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>> but how much in the future? we don't know. >> josh, appreciate it. this is scary when you hear this. it sounds complicated, but it's much easier than you think. how to hack a cell phone. coming up next. copd makes it hard to breathe, so i wasn't playing much of a role in my own life, but with advair, i'm breathing better so now i can take the lead on a science adventure. advair is clinically proven to help significantly improve lung function. unlike most copd medications, advair contains both an anti-inflammatory and a long-acting bronchodilator,
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bengay pain relief + massage with penetrating nubs plus the powerful pain relief of bengay. love the nubs! welcome back on this sunday morning, i'm susan hendricks, in today for tj holmes, it is half-past the hour. after a long history of bloody civil war, sudan split this weekend forming the world's newest nation, south sudan. its capital city is juba. independence comes after years of fighting between the islamic sudanese government and the predominantly christian south.
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we're joined live from juba. you spoke to the son of billy graham who attended the inauguration ceremony yesterday. what role did christianity play in all of this in bringing independence? >> well i think franklin graham's presence and the seat he was given behind the president was very indicative of how instrumental the evangelical movement has been here in helping to make public the conflict. and the reverend, when i asked him whether he would be able to respond to khartoms, he became aware of the situation in the south and knew after the network they could bring it to the
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attention to the people in the united states and perhaps try to help form u.s. policy towards sudan. >> such a big day yesterday. secretary of state hillary clinton is saying independent presents a new beginning for the people of south sudan, independence does, she says it's an opportunity to build a nation that embodies the values and aspirations of its people. the question is, is the violence over, do you think or will this be a long process? >> the violence between the north and the south isn't over. the intertribal conflicts we've seen flaring up in the south don't look anywhere near resolution and it's one of the issues i was discussing with the reverend franklin graham. his network has a huge presence along the north-south border. and he said their information was even as they were sitting, even as we were all watching
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that flag being raised and independence being declared, that he has information that the government of khartoom was still bombing. the obstacles are very steep for this fledgling nation. >> we appreciate your live report. we are checking the top stories on the eve of tonight's debt limit talks slated for the white house. the divide between democrats and republicans become more apparent. the sticking point is apparently tax hikes. the endangers the large-scale deal of proposed cutting $4 trillion. in japan, all tsunami warnings are canceled after an aftershock struck off the northeast coast ten years ago. the same area devastated by the march earthquake. in fact, geophysicists say the latest tremor is an aftershock
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from the 9.0 quake. the former director of chicago's burr-oaks cemetery has been imprisoned grounds keepers were double-stacking graves. three more cemetery employees face charges in that case. "thank you and good-bye" is the final headline for the united kingdom's popular tabloid newspaper "news of the world" it was shut down after 168 years in publication. after staffers were found to be hacking telephones, eavesdropping and bribing officials in order to get news scoops. maybe you have an idea of how your computer could be hacked. but how exactly does phone hacking work? we've got the perfect person to answer that question, tech reporter katy lindall. >> hi, i hate to shatter the illusion, when a lot of people hear phone hacking they think these journalists were out there with overly complex technology and software systems, but
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actually it's incredibly easy to do, voicemail hacking. i talked with the top mobile security app mobile security. and we've broke down all the different ways of the "news of the world" reporters, given the timeline that we know of, actually hacked into the voicemails. a few ways, a lot of these are very low tech. first off, the first way is pretexting. now pretexting is just a fancy word. there's a lot of allegations from staffers coming out that they actually called up the carriers were like, hey, forgot my p.i.n. number, i need to get access. and another way is to guess their p.i.n. numbers, a lot of people still carried the carrier's default p.i.n. numbers, so they knew pretty quickly what the p.i.n. number would be. and sequential numbers, 7-7-7-7. or 1-2-3-4. or the best way that this could have happened is to use caller
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i.d. spoofing. caller i.d. spoofing is a hack that's been around for quite a few years. it's simple to execute. i can actually make a call and have any number show up on the phone. if i were to call you and use caller i.d. spoofing i could have it show up as the white house, i could have it show up as president obama. or if i know that you don't have a password on your voice mail, which to this day, a lot of people still don't, i can call your phone with your number and trick it into giving me access and authentication directly to your voicemail. >> scary that it's that easy, right? a scary situation at yellowstone national park after a bear gets too close to a woman, she tries to jump in the water, make a swim for it the bear follows her into the water. we'll show you how the story ends. to playing "angry birds." it lets you access business forms on the go,
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welcome back, and reynolds is here, we have two horrible stories out of yellowstone park. reynolds, a man was mauled to death by a bear this week and you've got to hear this, a woman gets the fright of her life after another bear gets too close. a common problem, i would assume at yellowstone. >> absolutely. >> with the bears around. she, you would think you would jump in the water, you're safe. not so much, patrick ottoman has more. >> reporter: days after a fatal bear attack here, another too close for comfort brush a
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grizzly. >> does the hiker know? >> as the bear approaches her, hiker erin profit runs out of ground to retreat to. the bear doesn't charge her, but isn't backing down, either. erin gets ready to make a swim for it but kay yakkers paddling nearby drag her across the lake to safety before the bear also goes for a dip. >> when the guys in the kayak offered to pull me across i thought, that seemed like a better plan because the bear seemed like it wanted to be down there by the edge. >> i've got to ask you, how afraid were you? >> i was pretty afraid. >> so were her rescuers. >> when the bear was getting closer to her and she dropped her pack. apparently she had an apple in the pack and we thought it was a good idea to go get her at that point. >> the park's bear expert takes me back across the lake to retrieve erin's backpack and look for the bear. he keeps a can of super-powered mace, called bear spray at the
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ready. >> we recovered the shoes and backpack that she left behind when the bear started coming towards her and luckily we didn't see the bear. >> rangers say injuries from bear attack at the park are rare. about one per year. and can be prevented. >> now if we were walking down a path like this one and we were approached by a bear, what would you do? >> if we encountered the bear, i would first try backing away. if the bear followed us, i would stand my ground. if it continued towards us, i would pull out the bear spray, pull the safety tab off and fire. >> sometimes it's not just the animals that get too close. yellowstone's animals often venture into public places and that can attract crowds of tourists. the challenge for park rangers is keeping humans and animals safe. because somehow even in thousands of miles of open wilderness, it can get a little crowded. patrick ottoman, cnn, at the yellowstone national park. here's my question, what if you don't have the bear spray?
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are you supposed to freeze? >> hair spray. >> hair spray, if you don't have bear spray, hair spray. but we've been dealing with these animals for a long time in 1805, lewis and clark saw the first actually documented the first contact with a bear with a grizzled appearance. a grizzly bear, they range from 350 to 600 pounds, these are massive things, erin profit, the lady in the story, not 350 to 600 pounds, a little small. and then you have this monstrous bear. what do you do in a situation like that? how do you handle that? if you see one of those, what do you do? >> she tried to go in the water, not a good thing. >> how many times have we seen them in the pacific northwest or alaska, reaching into the water and pulling out fish and chomping them. the bears have the environment down pat. >> luckily the kayaker was going by. but bear spray.
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not hair spray, but bear spray. >>. we're switching gears, talking about billions of dollars in jewels found lying inside vaults in a remote temple in india. it sounds like an "indiana jones" movie. how much the haul is worth. hey can i play with the toys ? sure, but let me get a little information first. for broccoli, say one. for toys, say two. toys ! the system can't process your response at this time. what ?
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please call back between 8 and 5 central standard time. he's in control. goodbye. even kids know it's wrong to give someone the run around. at ally bank you never have to deal with an endless automated system. you can talk to a real person 24/7. it's just the right thing to do. [ mrs. davis ] i want to find a way to break through. to make science as exciting as a video game. i need to reach peter, who's falling behind. and push janet who's 6 chapters ahead. ♪ [ male announcer ] with interactive learning solutions from dell, mrs. davis can make education a little more personal. so every student feels like her only student. dell. the power to do more.
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until i tried this. nothing helped me beat arthritis pain. so every student feels like her only student. it's salonpas. pain relief that works at the site of pain... up to 12 hours. salonpas. a. a fitting song, "born to
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run" you see it year after year and maybe you keep asking yourself -- why do they do it? they do it every year. there it is, the annual running of the bulls festival in pamplona, spain, where people hurl themselves into the path of stampeding bulls. it's been going on for centuries. it was made popular in the west after a mention in a hemingway novel. about 15 people have died since the state began keeping records in the '20s, several hundred people have been injured. and on our passport, nadia, this next story could have been scripted right out of a spielberg movie. tell us about it. >> kerala state, in india, literally between $20 billion and $22 billion of treasure has been found in the vaults. have a look at the beautiful
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gold artifacts, coins, 22-karat gold. >> india imports about 60 tons of gold a year for domestic use. so here, under this kerala temple, is this unbelievable treasure. billions of dollars of treasure. you asked me how it was found. it's a very fascinating story because there was a lawyer who was living on the temple grounds in the housing and he stopped paying rent. he said i'm no longer go to pay rent. because i only pay rent to the gods or the king and the king died in the 1990s. so he then sued the state and because of his litigation, it resulted in them opening these vaults. several vaults, there are around six or seven vaults and uncovering these vast amounts of treasure. now what's interesting is who gets to keep it. >> exactly. susan. who gets to keep it is it kerala
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state? is it going to go to the people or the royal family? or does it belong to the country as a whole? every treasure story needs a sequel. you're seeing the guards now earlier guarding. because suddenly this relatively obscure temple, although beautiful and a big part of the city has now got city and state guards 24 hours, you can imagine with that amount of treasure. so because of that lawsuit, it was uncovered. >> because of the lawsuit it was uncovered. >> a movie in the making. >> yes. and the sequel will have to come. >> all right. nadia, thank you, appreciate that. how about this -- a true hero picking up a live grenade and tossing it away to save your fellow soldiers. sergeant petri lost his right hand. and gets the medal of honor on tuesday.
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president obama's new defense secretary is now at the military's biggest battle front, afghanistan. panetta arrived in the afghan capital yesterday, his first trip overseas in his new position as he succeeds long-time defense chief, robert gates. panetta said the u.s. is within reach of putting down al qaeda and keeping up the schedule of withdrawal for troops. >> we have a strategy that we have put in place. we are going to have once we do the initial draw-down. in december, we'll still have 90,000 troops that will be there for a year through the end of next summer. and then beyond that, we will
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have 70,000 troops that will be continuing the strategy and operation through 2014. and my goal is to make sure that we can continue the effort to establish greater security in this country. >> and cnn pentagon correspondent, chris lawrence, has more on panetta's trip to afghanistan and a look ahead to the coming week in military matters. chris? >> well, susan, leon panetta is on his first overseas trip as the new secretary of defense. visiting afghanistan this weekend. and back at home, change to a longstanding policy. in the past, troops who committed suicide in places like iraq and afghanistan, their families got all the same benefits, but they never got the condolence letter from the president of the united states. like troops who were killed in battle or accidents did. well the white house has changed that policy and will now send those condolence letters to
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those families. the idea being, trying to destigmatize some of the ptsd and mental health issues that troops are facing. there was some push-back, because some of the military feel that by doing so, it diminishes the sacrifice of those who die in battle. but families of those suicide victims say this is long overdue. also we're looking ahead to tuesday where the president will award only the second living recipient in these wars of iraq and afghanistan, the medal of honor. sergeant first class leroy arthur petrie will receive the medal of honor on tuesday. he was in afghanistan, about three years ago, had taken fire, taken shrapnel and when a grenade landed just a few feet away from he and some other soldiers, sergeant petrie picked up the grenade and tried to throw it away. it saved his soldiers, but in the process, it detonated and
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immediately amputated his right hand. president obama will award him the medal of honor on tuesday. susan? >> certainly a a good definition of a hero, chris lawrence, thank you. the navy's ace flying squad performs aerial acrobatics before a hometown crowd, where the blue angels are wowing crowds this weekend. [ male announcer ] where'd you get that idea? how'd you learn to do that? what'd you use? every project we finish comes with a story built-in. it's how our rough ideas become "you did that yourself?"
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so when we can save more on the projects that let us fix, make, and do more... that just makes the stories even better. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. right now, get glentown oak laminate flooring just 68 cents a square foot.
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[♪...] >> male announcer: now, for a limited time, your companion flies free, plus save up to 65%. call 1-800-sandals. conditions apply. taking a look at stories making news cross-country. there it goes, thousands of packed people packed the beaches
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of pensacola, yesterday, for the blue angels air show the the navy flying squad performed aerial manuals to a wowed crowd. move over, pamplona, spain. new orleans has its own version of the running of the bulls. yesterday the big easy roller girls and members of roller derby teams from across the country chased runners through the streets of new orleans. with whiffle ball bats. only in new orleans, right? portland, oregon looked like a comic book come to life as people dressed as superheroes, they were there for the fist i city's first-ever pub crawl. there were prizes for the best costume. this is cnn sunday morning, it is july 10th, great to see you, i'm susan hendricks. in for tj holmes. a live look at the white house,
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where key members of congress will meet with president obama, trying to reach a debt reduction deal later today. plus, this is it -- the headline says it all, the tabloid that brought you celebrity scandal and drama is closing its doors today. we'll take you live to london where people are getting their last edition of "news of the world." we are just hours before tonight's debt reduction talks at the white house. they resume tonight, 6:00 p.m. eastern. the ambitious hopes for a large-scale deal have been dashed. the apparent sticking point is money and taxes. here is how house speaker john boehner sees it. he says despite good-faith efforts to find common ground, the white house will not pursue a bigger debt reduction agreement without tax hikes. i believe, he says, the best approach may be to focus on producing a smaller measure, based on the cuts identified in the biden-led negotiations that still meets our call for spending reforms and cuts greater than the amount of the
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debt limit increase, unquote. the white house also talking about expectations at those talks. here's what spokesman dan pfeiffer had to say. we cannot ask the middle class and seniors to bear all the burden of the budget cuts. we need a balanced approach that asks the very wealthiest and special interests to pay their fair share as well and we can believe that the american people agree with that. cnn congressional correspondent, kate bolduan joins us from washington. break it down for us, the republicans and the democrats are on obviously different sides here. >> they are and they have been all along. it's in this issue of taxes and tax increases, in terms of new revenue is not a new issue, but did have their sights set on this so-called grand deal. it was somewhere in the area of deficit savings in $4 trillion, it was going to likely come with a very hefty $1 trillion in new
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revenue. a very tall order as it was going to call for new revenue, in terms of tax increases, as well as significant changes to medicare and social security. very important issue to democrats and republicans. and what we're seeing now, susan, is basically that the talks over this grand deal have effectively broken down. speaker boehner saying that the issue is over tax increases. but the white house pushing back, that the deal, pushing back that the deal broke down because the white house wanted tax increases. they're pushing back saying that's not the case. what we know is that speaker boehner and the president did speak by phone yesterday. we know that the staff for congressional leaders and the wlous have been in talks over the past few days. trying to get down to the nitty-gritty. so when the negotiators cake to the table this evening, they had some details to talk about. and what we see now is that while their sights were set on this grand deal, speaker boehner does not think that they're going to be able to reach that. not surprising probably amongst some republicans, because i'll
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tell you that the idea of in your revenue, in terms of tax increases has been a big problem inside the republican party. we've been hearing it on the hill, since the idea was kind of floated around. now what they're talking about, if you call it the medium deal versus the grand deal, something that was talked about in the biden group talks that fell apart earlier. somewhere in the area of $2 trillion in deficit savings, still significant, but it is smaller than the grand deal. but what we're seeing is that they're kind of trying to make their positions known as they head into this very important, very pivotal meeting this evening and they're still meeting this evening. so they all are recognizing that they need to get something done. it's just where near going to get it done and how much it's going to be at this point. >> the medium deal. so speaker boehner not too optimistic about tonight, is he? >> i'll tell you, even friday, we started getting indications from him that he seemed to be trying to lower expectations, saying there was a very large gap, a gulf in terms of the differences between where they were and where the democrats
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were and the white house was. but while there are big differences, there is acknowledgement and agreement on all sides, that this is very important to meet this deadline and very important to reach a deal so they can raise the debt limit in time. so if there's anything that they are agreeing on at this point, is that these negotiations are crucial. and that everyone needs to be at the table. because they don't want these negotiations to really break down. and we know that they are all still planning to go to the white house this evening. so the negotiations continue. but a very interesting kind of move, late last night, with speaker boehner coming on to make his position known going into the meeting that he doesn't think they can go for this grand deal. >> kate bolduan, thanks so much, we appreciate it you can bet the ongoing debt talks will be fresh fodder on the campaign trail. especially the republican presidential hopeful. paul stein hauser has more on the week ahead in politics.
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>> good morning, susan. a bunch of the presidential candidates will campaign this week in some of the crucial early voting states. among them, herman kane who opens his headquarters in iowa. tuesday, a special congressional election notice los angeles area, to fill the seat of former representative jane harman who stepped down earlier this year. democrats are likely to hold on to the seat. the spotlight is also on wisconsin tuesday, it was just a few months ago that protests over a controversial plan to strip public-sector workers of some of their labor rights rocked state's capital. tuesday, voters cast ballots to recall some lawmaker who is had a part in the controversy. and we'll learn how much president obama's re-election campaign has brought in since it started up. friday is the deadline for all presidential campaigns to report their fundraising figures. we want to take you to japan
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where four months after suffering from a massive earthquake and tsunami, a major aftershock rocked the northeastern coast. about 11 hours ago it happened and it's the same exact area that was devastated in march. the 7.1 aftershock prompted tsunami warnings, all of which have now been canceled, we're happy to report. the quake could be felt as far away as tokyo. a joe yoe physicist tells us it's an aftershock from the march earthquake. the space shuttle "atlantis" is four hours away from docking with the international space station. the crew getting the longstanding tradition of a musical wakeup phone call. ♪ sun is shining in the sky ♪ there ain't a cloud in sight ♪ it stopped raining ♪ everybody's in the place ♪ and don't you know it's a beautiful new day ♪ ♪ hey hey hey >> what a view to wake up to,
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right? as for the tune, it's "mr. blue sky" by the electric light orchestra. prince william and his wife, katherine, is seen here arriving at a british academy of film and television arts event in l.a. prince william even got in a polo match earlier in the day. the royal couple will spend their last day in the states at a less glamorous setting, helping out on skid row, visiting an arts program for inner city children. after 160 years covering britain's scandals, tabloid "news of the world" wrote out its last issue today. take a look. thank you and good-bye it says on the cover. the paper built a reputation reporting on some of the biggest scandals in the united kingdom. but the owner, rupert murdoch ordered the publication closed after investigations into allegations of hackinging and
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bribing of police by reporters. there's the final issue "thank you and good-bye." our artika schubert. >> londoners are waking up to the final edition. that's after 168 years of what this newspaper has called itself the greatest newspaper in the world. just to show you some of the headlines that they've covered. this is actually, a headline here on the right side, 1,635 lives lost, a reference to the sinking of the "titanic." brought low by these phone-hacking allegations and other newspapers have reacted to it "sunday post" their headline, they hold values of honesty, integrity and decency. clearly, trying to distance themselves from those phone-hacking allegations. in the meantime, just to show
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you how angry many britons are about this scandal, this is from the "independent" they have a close-up photo here of rebecca burrock. the editor of the "news of the world" the headline -- "is this the most hated woman in britain"? how angry people are that the reporters from the paper itself seem to be hacking, not just celebrities, the royal family, but the families of servicemen their phones may have been hacked, just to get a journalistic scoop. so clearly people are angry. but at the same time they're buying this newspaper. more than five million copies were printed today. double the normal run. and at newsstands like this across the country "news of the world" is selling out on its final edition. seuss snn. >> artika, thank you. funeral plans set for former first lady, betty ford, who died friday at 93. there will be two services, the
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first tuesday at st. margaret's episcopal church in palm desert, california. the second in grand rapids, michigan. mrs. for the will be laid to rest next to her late husband on the grounds of gerald r. ford presidential museum in grand rapids. did you see this? the yankees' derek jeter going deep. and the hometown crowd goes nuts. derek jeter enters the history books in style. with a home run to left field. and look at his teammates, they celebrated the milestone at home plate with him. derek jeter came out of the dug out for several curtain calls. believe it or not, he's the first yankee and the only player in history, the 28th one, to make 3,000 hits, the guy who caught the ball is christian lopez. and he gave it back to jeter. i don't know if he had a choice. don't want to get yankee fans mad. but he gave it back to derek jeter. >> we're going to give awe forecast. dramatic moment for jeter, dramatic weather for you,
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possibly strong thunderstorms that could develop across parts of the midwest and central plains that may exist for about an hour or so, up to three hours this afternoon. kind of a short-term event. the heat wave we've been experiencing across much of the nation is more long-term. we'll show you who's going to get what, coming up in a few moments. thank you. see new a few. if you have a verizon cell phone, you could see your monthly bill going up. unlimited data plans going away for good, details on what you can do. less than ten minutes away. from cheerios to lucky charms, there's whole grain in every box. make sure to look for the white check. welcome. i understand you need a little help with your mortgage, want to avoid foreclosure. smart move. candy? um-- well, you know, you're in luck. we're experts in this sort of thing, mortgage rigamarole, whatnot. r-really?
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setting that goal to become a principal. but, i have to support my family, so how do i go back to school? university of phoenix made it doable. a lot of my instructors were principals in my district. i wouldn't be where i am without that degree. my name is dr. carrie buck. i helped turn an at-risk school into an award winning school, and i am a phoenix. [ male announcer ] find your program at control your budget? yes.
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our "name your price" tool shows you a range of options. you pick a price that works for you. perfect. only one thing could make this better. both: '80s montage! ♪ progressive '80s montage ♪ he drops some boxes, but it's okay ♪ ♪ we keep dancing ♪ hey! it's that guy! ♪ progressive "name your price" tool, yeah! ♪ helping you save. now, that's progressive. call or click today. i don't know if i'm supposed to sing along or talk over it, i'll talk. it's supposed to be 92, good morning to you, chicago, on this sunday morning, bright and early. 14 minutes past the hour. and it's supposed to be very hot in other parts of the country. let's go to reynolds for the latest forecast. >> let the music lead you. if you feel like you should dance, dance. if you feel like you should
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sing, sing. if you feel like you want to set the whole set on fire -- by all means. >> i can't keep up with that. >> we've got an able crew back here, they've got fire extinguishers back here. it's only sunday morning, and we're expecting a wonderful day, weatherwise. if you don't mind the heat you're going to be a happy camper for much of texas. highs going up to the 100s today. 101 in dallas. 93 in houston. 97 in memphis, 92 in chicago. 89 in denver, colorado there was a sight of hail yesterday. 74 in seattle, 71 in los angeles. and along parts of the eastern seaboard, a little mixed bag. some places into the 80s, some places warmer into the 90s. humidity will be the difference-maker. the heat wave not unusual during the summertime. but it is going to last. from sunday, the heat indices, and the temperature and the high humidity, it will give you 106 is what it will feel like in st.
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louis, 101 in nashville. 104 in jackson. the heat begins to surge more to the north. triple digits is what it will feel like in wichita, des moines, and st. louis, 110 degrees, it will be brutal there and tuesday, we're seeing it break down a little. possibly showers in chicago, 79 degrees, it will feel wuvl. little rock, my heart goes out to you, 101. nashville, 106 and 105 in montgomery, alabama. let's talk about the possibility of strong storms, it does exist today, especially in the upper midwest and the northern plains, you've got the frontal boundary, and the moisture with the heating it makes the atmosphere unstable. what that could mean, showers perhaps even small hail and even isolated tornado by late in the afternoon. scattered showers could happen also along parts of florida. into the southeast and scattered storms from the four corners to the central and northern rockies. the west coast, you've got a
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massive door of high pressure sitting over that, it will like a lid on a boiling pot, it will limit your shower activity. sunscreen is going to be a necessity, pismo beach on the central coast. let's pitch it back to you. colorado, beautiful place, but they're getting pounded by storms. brought along something extra yesterday, look at this. drivers along interstate 70 ran into heavy rain, lightning and hail. severe storms have been battering the state for four days in a row. what do you do if you're driving, not much you can do, right, reynolds? >> what is that? you have a stuffed dinosaur, and the hail is bigger than a stuffed tyrannosaurus rex. unbelievable. >> a frightening prospect. a little nugget of information for you, we have more hail that develops in parts of chicago than any other place in the
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united states. florida, central florida especially is known as lightning alley for the united states. colorado, the number one hail-producing state. >> we've seen bigger, golf ballen in sized hail. >> you have the shower and cold air and thunderstorms that develop. it could happen again today. less likely, but there is the chance. >> are you one of those people who walks and texts? >> if i'm lucky, i can walk back to the weather center. i'm uncoordinated. >> we're talking about unlimited data today, reynolds, one company is getting rid of it, unlimited data, i'll show you if your cell phone bill is about to go up and what you can do about it, after the break.
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verizon wireless is joining at&t and t-mobil in eliminating
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unlimited data plan. if you surf the web, text, tweet, take pictures and send. your bill could be going up. our financial analyst tells us why we're seeing the changes. the reason is money. >> we've been using so much data. everyone communicate this way, texts, voice mails, emails. all the things that we're doing. we're doing a lot of data. and so they want to capitalize on it and an infrastructure thing, they've got to pay for all of these packets of information that are being transmitted. >> i think the biggest question to viewers at home are thinking, will this affect me? or is it people signing up for new deals or will it affect people at home. >> if you're under contract, you're going to be grandfathered in. that's the great news. the other part is if you change something, you could be affected by it. new customers will come under the plan where they're going to have to pay for the data they're using, they're going to have to decide which package works for them. $30 up to $80 for some packages. the thing you've got to be
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careful is going over some of those things. you talked about deejers and people that they call power users. these are some of the people that may go over some of the plans, especially business professionals. if you use your phone for a lot of things related to your business, you could potentially go over. >> did you see this coming for a while? >> i wondered how long it was going to take for it to happen. i did kind of see it coming. i'm glad some of the companies, sprint is still holding out. sprint hasn't done it they haven't followed suit with everyone else. right now they're saying they're not going to do it right now. it's big business, i think we have a quote there from someone from sprint. >> saying we're continuing to advertise our unlimited plans and feel that they offer a great value to new and existing customers. they've been very successful. we'll continue to offer them to customers. >> they may have a niche now, because if they're not raising their prices, people are obsessed with this stuff. twitter, facebook. they may have to look at each other and talk. >> you should go to a website. each one has a calculator on the
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website that you can look on it to see how it will affect you personally. >> with the unlimited plans going away, you may have to pick out a new plan, coming up, how to choose a plan based on your lifestyle. naturals from delicious, real ingredients with no artificial flavors or preservatives. naturals from purina cat chow. share a better life. so i wasn't playing much of a role in my own life, but with advair, i'm breathing better
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announcer: when life's this hard, it's no wonder 7,000 students drop out every school day. visit and help kids in your community stay in school. welcome back. just before the break we told you that verizon is joining at&t and t-mobil by canceling its unlimited data plans, which means you could see your bill going up. i talked to digital lifestyle expert, mario armstrong who gave us tips on picking out the best plan according to your lifestyle. >> they charge by these things
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called the gigabyte. to help people understand, a gigabyte is really 1,000 megabytes. so this kind of math is almost like a foreign language. i didn't do that great in math class. but this is how we measure data today. >> so i guess the bottom line, the question is, what is the best way to keep my bills low? especially if i use my smart phone a lot. if i'm texting, 81 loading pictures? you don't want to be charged. and parents of teenagers are thinking, oh no, there goes the unlimited plan. what do they do? >> yeah. no, absolutely. because today our consumption on these devices is heavy on all types of things from photos to videos to streaming music and things online. so we need to be aware of those wireless data points. there are a few things you need to be aware of. emails look like about 200 or 20 i'm sorry, kilo bytes for
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emails. so very low on data. the things that will charge you the heaviest on your usage will be things like video streaming, music streaming, things like photos and doing a lot of those types of interactivity with your phone is really going to tax your data usage. >> so i guess depending on what you use your phone for, it may be smart to buy the more expensive monthly plan to save some money in the long run, right? >> that's right. when you're talking about a minute of video, when you watch a minute of video on your smartphone, you're talking about almost two megs of actual data being placed on to your phone. so it won't take a lot of time before you start reaching through some of the caps, depending on what kind of plan you actually have. a lot of people still use the data, the cellular networks to access data. what we should be thinking about is when we can, use wi-fi on your phone. that way it reduces the chances of you getting taxed for that data.
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so at all costs whenever you can, use wi-fi on your phone. that will save you a lot of money. >> that was a great tip from mario right there. we want to explain it a little bit more. if you want to know how to calculate your cell phone bill under these new plans you'll have to log on to your provider's website and click on their data plan calculator. we're doing it for you right now. you can follow it along. we've pulled up t-mobil's website. for example, take a look. if you send and receive roughly 75 emails per day, you can just plug in the data. 75. if you check 20 web pages per page, send and receive approximately, eight emails per day, maybe. just move that number that applies to your scenario. like a math equation. let's say you stream music and/or video for about 15 minutes a day and love your apps and games, you may spend about 20 minutes a day on them. already you're up to almost four gigabytes here. we h


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